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February 1, 2016 “I understand there are some changes in the Star class rules, which allows a full top batten and longer lower battens. Can my old sails be modified?”

Mark Reynolds

December 8, 2015 Quantum Expert Answer

The full batten in the head works well. The batten must be a lot stiffer than you think.  When it turns into a drifter it’s hard to pop the batten when jibing but less of a problem tacking. Downwind the full batten might be better because the leech is held out there well and it pushes the shroud out of the way better.  When the wind was strong there was a lot less shaking of the main as you waited between races.  The sails will certainly last longer because of this.  The bottom batten in the main is longer and makes the lower leech a bit nicer and longer lasting as well.

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