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Ohio Teen Ian Moran Pursues His Passion On The Water

15-year old Rocky River, Ohio resident Ian Moran started racing at sail camp seven years ago. He caught the racing bug immediately. He’s already finished on the podium in several Opti regattas, and is now expanding his skills to include other boats as he pursues his passion on the water.

When did you start racing? Why?
I started racing when I was 8-years old at sail camp. They held a regatta at our club the second week of camp and invited me to race. I had so much fun during the regatta, I joined race team the following week and have been racing ever since.

A well-rounded athlete, Ian plans to pursue sailing after Optis.

Where and how do you train?
In the summer, I train at my home club – Edgewater Yacht Club – in Cleveland, Ohio on Lake Erie. Once I made the US National Team, I decided to homeschool so I could train in the winter with Coral Reef in Miami.
I really like to practice. It allows me to try different things I will use on the race course. I try to stay fit by running and lifting weights, especially now that I am starting to sail other boats.

What’s your favorite part of racing?
I think for me the hardest part is the start, but it is also one of the most rewarding. You have all the boats in one spot at the same time, and you have all sorts of different sailing abilities. You can be in the perfect position and still have someone make a mistake and wreck your start.

What was your biggest failure? What did you learn from that experience?
My first team trial. I probably only weighed 65 pounds, and it was really windy the first three days. I wanted to blame not doing well [on my size], until I saw one of the top kids was no bigger than me. It really motivated me to work harder in the big breeze. Now I can’t wait to get out there when it blows.

What’s been your greatest success? What did you learn from that experience?
It’s hard to pick just one thing. The year I got serious about traveling to major regattas I was able to win the Great Lakes Championship, Midwinters in New Orleans, and I took second place at the New Jersey State Championship and Southeast Championship in Pensacola. I then was able to finish second at the Orange Bowl Regatta. I learned that hard work and practice really pay off.

What are your sailing strengths?
I really practice hard and listen to what coaching I get. I love to get out on the water whenever I can, even if it’s just having fun.

When did you start using Quantum® sails? Why?
I started to get too big for my sail that I was using, and I was looking for a more powerful sail that also performs well. Some of my teammates and friends were using the Quantum Black with success. I used my first Quantum sail during the Spring Fling regatta and loved the versatility it gave me in both light and heavy air.

How have Quantum sails helped your racing?
Quantum sails have really helped me by providing the most advanced racing equipment they make, making sailing easier.

Who supports and encourages your sailing? How?
My mom and dad, and many of the members of the Edgewater Yacht Club. Mom and Dad have not only been financially [supportive], but they take me to all the regattas and really have an interest in how I am doing. Sometimes our dinner table becomes a makeshift race course as we talk about some of the races. 
One of the members of our club, Joe Colling, has a J/70, and he has let me skipper in all kinds of regattas. I recently did the J/70 North Americans and the Annapolis NOOD regatta.

Do you have other interests beyond sailing?
I like to play basketball, snowboard, and water ski. Up until last year I did short track speed skating (I actually finished fourth at nationals).

What’s next for you?
I am now sailing a C420 locally with hopes of making it to Nationals. I am also sailing a Jet 14, J/70, and just started sailing a Snipe. Sailing different boats really is a lot of fun. As different as they all are, they are all very similar.

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