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Meet the Team: Sven Krause - Sail Consultant Spotlight

Read below for a Q&A with another member of our international team, Sven Krause. The expert German sail consultant answers questions about memorable projects he's worked on, things to know about your sails, his favorite boat, and tips for the next time you're on the water.

Q: What is your name and position at Quantum Sails?

A: My name is Sven Krause. I am the loft owner and manager and service Quantum's German and partly Austrian and Swiss clients with our team - basically the German speaking parts of Europe.

Mein Name ist Sven Krause. Ich bin Eigentümer der Quantum Sails Germany-Loft und bediene mit meinem Team alle Deutschsprachigen Kunden, auch Segler in Österreich und der Schweiz.

Q: At which location or loft do you predominantly work?

A: Our German headquarters is in Flensburg, Germany at the Flensburg fjord, a beautiful sailing area. In addition we maintain service lofts in selected locations along the German coasts and at Lake Constance in Southern Germany.

Unsere Hauptsitz ist in Flensburg an der Flensburger Förde, einem der schönsten Segelreviere Deutschlands. Darüber hinaus unterhalten wir mehrere Service-Stationen entlang der deutschen Küsten und am Bodensee.

Q: How long have you been a member of the Quantum team? 

A: I joined Quantum Sails at the end of 2009, over 10 years ago. Time flies!

Ich habe mich Ende 2009 der Quantum Sails-Gruppe angeschlossen. Vor mehr als 10 Jahren - die Zeit fliegt dahin!

Q: Give us a brief backstory of how you joined the team.

A: I started sailmaking 35 years ago at the age of 20, and became part-owner of the sailmaking company where I started as apprentice. The business has changed over the years and I worked in the sailcloth industry and with other sailmaking brands until I decided to become self-employed again. Quantum Sails was and still is the perfect brand with a large in-house production guaranteeing highest quality for cruising and racing sails. Quantum Sails is synonymous with technology and success in our sport - a perfect basis!

Als 20-Jähriger habe ich eine Ausbildung zum Segelmacher begonnen und wurde bald Teilhaber der Firma, bei der ich meine Ausbildung gemacht hatte. Wie überall veränderte sich das Geschäft grundlegend und ich arbeite einige Jahre in der Segeltuchindustrie und bei anderen Segelmachern bevor ich mich entschied, wieder selbständig zu werden. Quantum Sails war und ist dafür die Marke mit einer großen, eigenen Produktion, die höchste Qualität für Fahrten- und Regattasegler garantiert. Darüber hinaus steht Quantum Sails für Technologie und Erfolg im Sport - eine perfekte Basis!

Q: What is your specialty in the sales department?

A: With my long-time experience and background I can say that I can provide valuable input and advice for cruisers and racers for any type and size of project. My experience in one-designs is limited. But we have great people in the group who we can tap in to.

Q: You’re a solutions provider, what’s been a memorable sail you’ve delivered?

A: Last spring we developed a cable-less code zero for cruisers. That is an adaptation of the racing cable-less sails which have seen on the racing circuit. The question was whether the concept would work for small crews and cruising boats with their limited equipment. It was great to experience first hand that our cable-less code 0 is a great sail which makes cruisers' sailing more enjoyable and easier!

Q: Describe the process you walk your customer through when selecting the right materials and design for the sail they need.

A: I ask a lot of questions about the boat, the sailing area, the client's own experience and expectations. Only when I have collected the information, I recommend two options regarding sail fabric and design combination and explain the pros and cons of the alternatives.

Q: Give us one tip or trick to use the next time we’re on the boat.

A: Practice a few special knots and hitches that not everyone knows to help solve a problem.

Q: What was the first boat you sailed on?

A: A 9m steel hull cruiser owned by my father's friends. They knew little about sailing and my father took up sailing again after a 40 year break. We switched to an old Farr-quarter tonner soon after and the racing started!

Ein 9m-Fahrtenschiff aus Stahl. Das Boot gehörte Freunden meines Vaters, denen er nach seiner kleinen Segelpause von 40 Jahren das Segeln beibrachte. Bald darauf wurde aus dem Stahlschiff ein alter Farr-Vierteltonner und die Rennsegelei begann!

Q: What is your favorite boat to sail?

A: Any yacht in race mode!

Jede Segelyacht im Regatta-Modus!

Q: Jibe with a J or Gybe with a GY?

A: In English with "J" - no idea whichever spelling may be correct. In German, btw, with "H" - "Halse"!

Q: Where’s a destination you’d like to visit to sail?

A: So many beautiful and memorable places! Very difficult to highlight and pick one specific area. But I haven't been to the Vancouver area and British-Columbia yet. That sounds like a challenging and great area to sail!

Q: Monohull or Multihull?

A: I am definetely a monohull man.

Q: What are 3 important things to remember about sails?

A: 1) Never stop trying different trims and see whether that is an improvement for the given conditions. 2) Sails are the engine of your boat, therefore look after them. 3) Your sailmaker is your best friend and wants you to enjoy your sport!

Q: Do you prefer upwind or downwind?

A: Nothing beats the thrill of a starting sequence and the first beat. But a tricky downwind leg where you need to find the best path is also exciting!

Q: What’s your position or role on the boat when racing?

A: Depending on boat and crew I do (almost) anything from sail trim to tactics.

Q: Inshore or Offshore?

A: I love doing both and the thrill is in the mix of inshore and offshore. 

Q: What is your favorite color?

A: Any shade of Blue!

Q: What is the best way for a customer to reach you?

A: Telephone, email, a visit in our loft - whichever way the client prefers!

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