Quantum Sails Hungary
Sail Consultant
E: zslovas@quantumsails.com
P: +36-20-584-4991
Zsolt Lovas grew up near Lake Balaton in Hungary with a family of sailors, so it only seemed natural for him to get involved in the sport. His uncle, a sailing coach at a local club, gave Zsolt lessons at a very young age. Zsolt began racing when he was 13.
Most of Zsolt’s early sailing was spent in double-handed boats like the Cadet, 420, 470, and 49er. He continued to spend a large amount of his career competing in the 470. After nearly 10 years in the 470, he transitioned from dinghies to keelboats.
In 2008, Zsolt become part of a keelboat team that focused on the Blue Ribbon, the biggest, most honored regatta in Hungary. The Blue Ribbon is a traditional long-distance lake regatta. Zsolt spent 10 years as a member of the team, winning the regatta five times and learning a lot about campaigning boats, service, maintenance, and sail development. Now Zsolt is the boat captain of Racing Django, a Decision 35 Catamaran, and keeps the team together and the boat running smoothly. In 2019, Racing Django won the Blue Ribbon, and Zsolt earned his sixth win in the prestigious regatta.
Aside from his affinity for keelboats, Zsolt fell in love with foiling. He started sailing a Moth as a hobby, saying “Moths always amaze me with their continuous need of development. They also provide a platform to step up as a helmsman and learn new skills.”