As this unique season unfolds, many of you are approaching the middle of your sailing season, and the perfect time to review some valuable onboard sail care tips.
In this collection of helpful videos about Onboard Sail Care, our very own Reed Cleckler walks you through simple and effective measures to prolong the life of your sails.
Whether you're a day sailor, heading out for a week on the family cruiser, or weeknight racer: Grab some rigging tape, your notebook and pencil (or smartphone), and make this part of your mid-season routine.
August is also a fantastic time to audit your sailing inventory. Pull out your list from last season and recheck those UV covers for damage or fraying, monitor chafe from the spreaders, check your notes about which faulty zippers need replacing on the bimini, and dig out the spinnaker dousing sock that needs repair from getting caught in the windlass. Now is a great time to update the repair list and set a reminder in your digital calendar to contact your local loft about setting up a sail inspection.
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